
Sprint 6 has now ended, this was the final sprint of development before our big presentation that is happening on Monday(2020-12-14). We finished all our goals for this sprint, thus we are ready to release our first release. This release will satisfy all but one of our requirements. The requirement that we haven’t been able to implement in time is the chat bot.

The first iteration of the GUI is now finished with most of the functionality of the CLI, the GUI also has some features that the CLI doesn’t. Which is that the GUI can save and load the automation tasks created. This allows the user to easily repeat the task multiple times. In the future we plan to add the feature of automatically repeating the task every day or week at a certain time.

Other goals we finished was to improve the NLP models and fix bugs. The NLP models now understand time written as AM/PM. We implemented some test to find bugs and fix them, but there weren’t that many bugs that we found. Lastly we also improved on the documentation by adding instructions on how to add new automation modules.

In the next sprint there will be very little development because we will focus on finishing our report on the project. Also the holidays is coming up soon, thus there is less time to work.

This is our last sprint update before the holidays, so the whole team wish you all happy holidays.

/The RPA Tomorrow Team